Friday, July 20, 2007


Ok, it's the most hyped product of the past decade. It also lives up to--and in my opinion--exceeds the hype. This is a truly innovative product, born out of Apple's brilliant design sense, but also it's ability to pay attention to serving its customers. I admit I was skeptical, having fallen victim to the Newton and other Apple "breakthroughs". But it's hard to say enough good things about this product. Mine works great--and adds a whole new dimension to my ability to relate to the world (not to mention to find myself in it with maps). I am a Blackbery addict and the Apple keyboard is a significant transition. I can't--yet--type nearly as fast on it. But my Blackberry doesn't sing to me the way my iphone can or store my pictures or access the Internet nearly as well For now, I'll carry both--along with my Mac Book Pro, which has become my traveling assistant, allowing me to record notes in every meeting I am in, access relevant data just when I need, and......write this post. If you have any doubts about whether an ipod is worth the investment, I strongly suggest you set the aside, unless you are one of those few people who hasn't even joined the digital age--and in which case you a certainly not going to be reading this.

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